
Jagenberg Digital Solutions GmbH
Kleinewefersstr. 1
47803 Krefeld
Phone: +49 2151 934099-0

Managing director
Dr. Donatus Weber

Registered office
Krefeld, Germany

Commercial register
Local court Krefeld, HRB 18188

Tax ID-number

Responsible (acc. to German § 55 Abs. 2 RStV)

Jagenberg Digital Solutions GmbH
Kleinewefersstr. 1
47803 Krefeld

Exclusion of liability:
Jagenberg Digital Solutions GmbH has accurately checked the information available on this website to the best of its knowledge and ability. However, we reserve the right to create information that is not always complete, correct or up to date. Therefore, there is expressly no liability, warranty and/or guarantee for the up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness of the data and information provided. We can delete, modify and or supplement all of the information without prior notification. We assume no liability for links to other websites. Only the authors of the content on the linked sites are responsible for their content.

Jagenberg Digital Solutions GmbH assumes no liability in this respect. Opinions that are expressed on the linked websites also do not necessarily coincide with those of Jagenberg Digital Solutions GmbH.


Concept, Design and Programming.